Murder is Murder

Note: this draft is under development and curently about 34% done, I'll call it version 0.1


In my life I have found multiple occurences of people having highly selective and contradictory morals and opinions. This extends even to murder being seen by some as an absolute wrong only to be excused later on. So here I would like to clear the air and air my opinion on the matter.

Here are some key points I would like to argue.

  • A basic definition of murder as; the intentional taking of life

    A moral argument that murder is wrong

    A note on why it seems to me that murder being wrong is not only the only 'good' opinion to persue but also the only pratically feasible one, and the only logical one from a outsiders perspective on life as a whole.

    A note on hypocracy and 'justice'

    A note and link to my other post about how to practically adapt a system where murder is seen as universally wrong. A 'what to do about it' of sorts.

    A note on action and inaction and a link to a post on the subject.

  • So what is murder anyway?

    Well im horrified you had to ask, but glad you did. In the simplist of terms murder is intentionally killing someone. There is no other sane defenition in my opinion, atleast that I know of. I have to note 3 points on it...
    Firstly that murder is classified as intentional, so if someone is killed accedentally it is considered manslaughter, but not neccecerally murder(tho a note is to be made on criminal neglegence and leaveing babies on train tracks).
    Secondly that it has to resault in death and attempted murder is different than murder, so no precrime stuff.
    Thirdly that in cases of suicide and attempted suicide it does not always make sense to treat it the same as murder. (tho investagations to rule out murder might still be neccecary).

    Is murder good?

    The way I see it there are 4 answers to this question.
    Yes/No/Sometimes/and don't bother- it's not an issue.
    So to cover the non issue option; it might be an overlooked option sometimes but basically it's the possibility that we wernt talking about it because simply noone thought of it or everyone agreed already and it was a non issue. but here we are so apperantly it is one, wouldce been nice if it wasnt an issue tho.
    Sometimes: well heres were alot if not most peoples opinions lye, however no two of them seem to be exactly the same, and most of them are self contradicting. More than this tho is the fact that these opinions are practically unreconcilable. There is in my opinion no good answer to be found in the subjective middle grounds. And that no answer found in the subjective middle could be claimed as objective or universally true. But most of all is the fact that this is a false option, and that believeing that murder is ok is just that, and regaurdless of the conditions you put on it. So all who say if, but, sometimes, or the infamus 'no but' are all saying yes to murder.
    Murder is fine: well heres where we get to the first of the two interesting opinions. This is often said in variations of 'might is right', 'all os fare in love and war' and similar types of reasoning, most of whitch I find uninteresting and filled with the usual inconsistencies or lack of comitmint depending on the victom. However there is one extreme opinion that is a candidate for an objectively true and somewhat interesting opinion: that is that murder is actually fine ... this however leads to a contradiction of it actually being the first it if fine option, and as we discussed that option is false by the very fact that this descussion exisists and are taken issue with here and elsewhere.
    Finally we get to murder being objectavely wrong:

    Init Post

    Statement of purpose.
    The intent of this is to post some of my insight and ideas in a public and interactable way.

    The Sociatal Economics of Overpriced Luxury Goods and Servaces.

    An open Letter-Paper by Samuel Combrinck

    I will herein argue that luxuary goods when looked at in isolation are a benifit to sociaty when overpriced and a deficit to it when fairly valued.

    note my opinions have since changed and i now believe luxury goods to also be a wast of production resources in most cases

    The cost of good on sociaty...